
Showing posts from July, 2019

Ayurveda Treatment for Vitiligo or Leucoderma

Vitiligo (Leucoderma), called Kilasa or Switra in Ayurveda, is a pigmentation disorder in which the skin pigment cells (melanocytes or cells that create pigments in the skin) get destroyed. Owing to this, de-pigmented (white) patches appear on different parts of the body. Vitiligo generally affects the hands, wrists, knees, neck and back. It may also affect the mucous membrane and the retina. The hair of scalp and beard may also be de-pigmented. In this situation, hair that grows from the affected patches may assume a white colour.  With regard to what causes leucoderma, researchers suggest auto-immunological (condition in which the immunity system itself attacks the body), neurological or auto-cytotoxic causes. Also included in the list by medical experts are acute gastric disorders, calcium deficiency, burns, intra-lesional steroid injections, mental stress, impairment of liver, skin irritation due to wearing tight clothes, use of stickers or tattoos on the ski...

Ayurvedic Treatments for Acne Vulgaris

Acne Vulgaris Acne is a skin condition in which excess production of oil from the sebaceous glands blocks hair follicles. This condition is most prevalent in teenagers - thus it is called Yauvanpidika in Ayurveda - yauvan referring to ‘adolescence’ and pidika referring to ‘pustules or papules’. It is also referred to as Mukha Dooshika (Acne Vulgaris) in the Ayurvedic language. Acne usually erupts in the form of black heads, white heads, pimples or nodules. The affected regions are mostly the face, back, upper chest and shoulders (areas densely populated with sebaceous glands). Skin is also often greasy in this condition. Inflammatory papules, nodules and cysts occurs and it leaves scar on face. The main reason for acne is due to the vitiation of all the three doshas (vatha, pitha and kapha). The vitiated vatha dosha causes toxins to accumulate. The vitiated pitha dosha affects the rakta (blood) and meda (fat) tissues, causing inflammation. Excess Kapha, which controls the productio...

Ayurvedic Treatment for Eczema

Skin complaints affect all ages from neonate to the elderly and cause harm in a number of ways. It includes 4D’s: Discomfort; Disfigurement; Disability; Death (in some cases). Skin is the organ that extends itself superficially and penetrates itself into the deeper levels of the body. According to Ayurveda , any skin disorder occurs when there is an imbalance in the doshas and dhatus in our body. Two of the main causes of diseases that cause a vitiation of doshas are wrong diet and lifestyle. Following an incompatible diet (viruddhara or food items of opposite nature) or an incompatible lifestyle that is against the season or the prakriti (nature) of a person, causes the generation of toxins or poisons in our body. When these toxins accumulate in the body tissues, skin etc and contaminate them, skin diseases erupt. Though skin disorders are attributed to imbalances in all the three doshas, the prime dosha involved is pitha. All treatments aimed at curing skin disorders emphas...